Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Wedding Weekend Letter Should I Text Or Write A Letter To My Ex Girl?

Should i text or write a letter to my ex girl? - wedding weekend letter

She left me a month ago after 2 years. Shes says they are different, and I showed that I love her enough. She broke with me, then began 2 days later, sms friendly stuff, then after a week I said, I can not verify that nothing will happen, and he agreed that I should stop SMS messages. and later texts me 6 days after she was at a wedding all weekend and say, hey, how was your weekend? Why should not he do after the agreement? I send a love letter to show my feelings with a few small gifts? not apply, or to them, no matter how hard it is? I have the impression that your last text message to my moves me now .... or is it? Help! I call her or text her, but I resisted my request .... Please give me your thoughts on these questions .......


young poet said...

Text messaging is so impersonal.
and she will laugh at the letter.

live2dru... said...

txt to tell him that he died and see if the damage was not more if u dosent Thatta say he wants to go back

♥Melody♥ said...

Yes, but why not the right card is the best

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