Monday, December 28, 2009

Web Camera Ratings Best Web Camera Under $60? 10 Pts Best Answer!?

Best web camera under $60? 10 pts best answer!? - web camera ratings

I take a webcam for Christmas. I looked for the most important high-tech or store (Walmart, DC, Office Max, Staples, not etc.) and can not find cameras begause just over half the votes 5 / 5 and the other half is 0 / 5 for each book. Do you know the webcam (preferably in shops sold), the best quality for $ 60 or less?

must meet the following criteria:

1. works well with Vista

2. 1.3 MP pictures and videos

3. It has a built-in microphone

4. at least 640 x 480 video resolution

5. must be less than $ 60

10 points best answer, I will pursue the matter further, if not think spammers.

Please read the question, the answer if you can!


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